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The City is committed to making our streets walkable, safe, and clean. For more information on the City’s current projects, see below.

Sidewalks installation & maintenance

Due to narrow streets and a long history of disinvestment, much of the city does not have sidewalks, forcing residents to walk in the roadway which can be unsafe. The City is in the process of upgrading streets across the city to install new sidewalks and repair existing ones.

Pedestrian overcrossings

The 101 divides EPA in two parts and makes it hard to get across to the other side of the city or to Palo Alto and other cities further inland. See below for a map of current and planned pedestrian overcrossings.

Clarke-Newell crossing: The city installed its first pedestrian overcrossing — a path over the highway just for walkers and bikers — from Clarke St near Home Depot to Newell Road near 7-11.

University Ave crossing: The City will be installing a second pedestrian overcrossing in Winter 2024 along University Avenue. This bridge will be separate from the bridge for cars and will help bikers and walkers get across safely without risk of being hit by drivers.