Building Services Division

Tate Office

Building – for new construction, building code regulations, associated permits and code enforcement.

Upcoming Holidays

Our office will be closed on the following holidays:

March 31st: Cesar Chavez Day

May 26th: Memorial Day

June 19th: Juneteenth

July 4th: Independence Day

September 1st: Labor Day

November 11th: Veterans Day

November 27th & 28th: Thanksgiving Day Weekend

December 25th: Christmas Day

Please plan your visits accordingly and feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

Permit Center Hours

Our office at 1960 Tate Street is open to the public Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 9am-11:45am & 1pm-3:45pm (office closed during lunch hour from 12pm-1pm). Applicants may book a phone/video appointment with counter staff for Wednesdays or Fridays (to schedule building inspections, please call or email You can book your appointment by visiting:

Please note appointments cannot be booked for items pertaining to Public Records Requests (these should be sent to the City Clerk's Office for processing). 

Permit Intake & Issuance

2022 California Building Codes can be accessed using this link

Permits are processed electronically, please review the Digital Submittal Requirements form prior to submitting. All building permit applications and supporting documents shall be emailed to for processing. Staff will contact applicants with next steps in process within two (2) business days.

Projects that are not over the counter permits will go through the 30 day review process and two (2) week rechecks for resubmittals (if needed).

NOTE: Work started without obtaining a building permit will be charged with a penalty fee per the East Palo Alto Municipal Code and contractors will be reported to the California State License Board for investigation. Part of our permitting process requires us to check the status of your contractor’s license with the California Licensing Board.  If you have your license registered with CSLB as having no workers and no workers’ compensation insurance and we witness workers onsite, we will issue a “STOP WORK” notice until a workers’ comp certificate is provided.

Solar Permit Submittals

Solar permits submittals are to be submitted after Menlo Park Fire District has approved. Applicant is to submit the following:

  • A completed Building Permit Application 
  • Menlo Park Fire stamped approved plans (including equipment specs)
  • Copy of Menlo Fire approval letter

*Please make sure your "Scope of Work" is noted on the first sheet and that project complies with 2022 CBC.

Jr. ADU & ADU Submittals

Applications for Jr. ADU and ADU submittals are to be emailed to first for completeness review. Once approved, applicant is to submit the following to

  • Building Permit Application
  • Plan set in one (1) PDF
  • PDF of applicable supporting documents (Geotech Report, Structural Calculations, Energy Compliance, etc)
  • Owner-Builder Declaration form (if applicable)

Building Inspections

Building Inspections are currently available Monday-Friday. We have a limit on inspections per day. If the schedule has filled, we will schedule you for the next available inspection day. You can call in your request at 650-853-3189.

*Job card and approved plans (if applicable) are required to be on site for inspection. Sites not having proper documents will have to reschedule their inspection(s).

Business Licenses (Contractors)

Please visit the City's business license portal ( to apply for a new or renew a business license. If you need further assistance or help, please contact us at or by phone at (650) 223-7740.

Public Records Requests

Those seeking property permitting history shall submit their request at Copies of plans (if available) will need to be requested by completing the Plan Duplication Request form. Once approval is obtained from owner of plans, staff will work on the duplication. Any fees for duplication process will be collected prior to plans being released. 

Code Enforcement Services

Code violations or complaints may be made at any time during counter hours. We do not accept anonymous complaints (more information on Code Enforcement page). We will keep your name and contact information confidential.

Street Parking Enforcement

Please contact the East Palo Alto Parking Enforcement at 650-853-5940. Leave a message with the vehicle description, location and concern(s).


Bulky item pick ups are offered twice a year by Recology. Please contact them at 650-595-3900 to schedule your pick up. You can also visit their website for more information

Tenant-Related Issues

For tenant-related issues, including evictions, rent increases, other, please contact the city's Rent Stabilization Board. Landlords who seek to evict tenants must do so in compliance with the requirements of the Rent Stabilization and Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance.

  • Click on Planning for zoning, new development and tree removal.
  • Click on Permit Center for new construction, building code regulations, and associated permits
  • Click on Engineering for encroachment permits, streets/sidewalks, utilities, traffic, capital improvement projects
  • Click on Code Enforcement to submit complaints specific to zoning, building, and public nuisance issues