Greenhouse Gas Inventory

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The 2030 Climate Action Plan (CAP) establishes a pathway to reach our goal of reducing per-person carbon emissions by 55% below 2005 levels by 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2045. Through projects implemented under the 2011 CAP, the City was able to reduce emissions by 20% — over 27,000 metric tons of polluting carbon dioxide. The recently adopted 2030 CAP outlines the steps to reach the next goal of a 55% reduction.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to doing our part in the fight against climate change. It is also a call to action to all residents, community organizations, and businesses to take an active part in our transition to a low-carbon future and clean economy. In this process, we will foster a vibrant economy, increase our resiliency, and support East Palo Alto’s vision for a livable and sustainable community for all generations to come.

Emissions Inventory

The City monitors greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors of the city to better focus our efforts where they are needed most. The 2021 Greenhouse Gas Inventory, developed in partnership with RICAPS, contains the most up to date information on measured and estimated emissions in the city. Also of note, the 2021 update estimates transportation emissions using a newer, more accurate method; however, this makes it difficult to compare against other past years (aside from 2005 which has been reestimated using the updated methods).

The city's total emission for 2021 were estimated to be 73,885 metric tons of carbon dioxide (or equivalent strengths of other greenhouse gases). This is a decrease of almost 40,000 metric tons from 2005, the baseline year for CAP goals. Emissions decreased in all categories, especially electricity-related emissions due to participation in Peninsula Clean Energy