East Bayshore Road Pedestrian and Cyclists Safety Improvements

In 2023 the City received grant funds to prepare the Plans Specification& Estimate (PS&E) package for the East Bayshore Safety Improvements Project. The improvements would include the installation of sidewalks, bikeways, traffic calming measures, and green infrastructure measures. This project was awarded to a designer at the 4/2/2024 City Council meeting. 

The ppt from a public outreach meeting held on May 29th can be found here.

The project 50% plan set can be found here.

The project final bid set can be found here,the technical specifications can be found here, and the estimate can be found here

Next Steps:

  • City Council Plans, Specifications, and Estimate approval in March 2025
  • Following City Council approval, the project will be bid out for construction

Any questions? Email Senior Engineer, Batool Zaro, at bzaro@cityofepa.org


This project was made possible in part by Sales Tax dollars provided by the San Mateo County Transportation Authority.