Flood Information
Sandbag Pickup Locations for East Palo Alto
Sandbags should be picked up from the location just before a major storm, and used to help protect property from rising water. Unfilled sandbags are available late November through April, during business hours. During severe weather conditions or potential flooding, City volunteers may be available to assist residents with filling and loading bags.
Updated Flood Protection Information Resources
San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority (SFCJPA )
The San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority (SFCJPA - including East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, the San Mateo County Flood Control District, and the Santa Clara Valley Water District) works to plan, design, and implement flood protection projects from the upper watershed to coastal wetlands, for the mutual benefit of its member jurisdictions. See this link for news and information about the SFCJPA flood protection projects.
City of Palo Alto
Includes online Creek Level Monitoring (camera of San Francisquito Creek at West Bayshore Road, and Creek Level Monitor graph)
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Includes flood safety tips and other useful water and flood related information about the region.
San Mateo County Flood Control District
Information on the Countywide special district formed to provide a mechanism to finance flood control projects in San Mateo County.