Climate Resilience

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Climate change will increase the frequency and severity of many disasters that are already affecting the city such as flooding and extreme heat. Being better prepared for climate disasters is a key part of climate resilience.

General resources

Emergency alerts: To get warnings about disasters happening in East Palo Alto — flooding, extreme heat, and unhealthy air quality — sign up for SMC Alert here to get early warnings.

Safety Element update: The City is updating the General Plan’s Safety Element which what actions the City will take to protect the community from natural disasters. Resident input is key to this process, and the City will hold a series of workshops to discuss resident priorities as well as input on the plan itself once it has been developed. See here for more details and any upcoming community workshops.

Hazard Mitigation Plan: The City also has a Hazard Mitigation Plan which outlines the key disasters that threaten the community and the actions the City will take to increase resilience.

Specific disasters

Each page contains resources to help you prepare for, respond to, and recover from different disasters which will be worsened by climate change: