Planning On-Call Staff Augmentation RFP

Bid/RFP Status: 
Open - accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, March 14, 2025 - 5:00pm

The City is seeking qualified professional firms in various service categories, experienced in the evaluation and documentation of development projects for compliance with all local ordinances and policies, State and Federal legislation and policies as applicable.

The scope of work, as described in Attachment 1, shall include the service categories listed below, for development application review, staff augmentation, and other Planning Division duties as assigned.

Respondents shall provide the City with professional services and dedicated personnel to perform the following services as needed: development application review, special projects, and other related tasks.




Designated Contract Planner

Seeking firms, with a variety of skills, to provide senior or principal-level project management assistance on major development projects and activities.  Selected firm(s) will receive general direction from the City’s Planning Manager to provide essential services as a Project Planner for a specific project(s).

Environmental Review Analysis

Environmental consultant to prepare CEQA and NEPA documents including but not limited to: drafting an Initial Study, a Notice of Preparation (NOP), a Focused EIR, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, all other required noticing, and supporting technical studies, as needed.

Housing Needs Assessment

Consultant to review planning applications for the purposes of determining a project’s impacts on the need for mixed income housing. Consultant would compare projected housing need to housing supply to estimate the size of expected housing deficits resulting from a project. 

Fiscal Impact Analysis

Economic/fiscal consultant for comprehensive analysis of a proposed project that takes into account increased expenditures and revenues in order to evaluate whether the proposed new development could generate sufficient net positive fiscal impact for the City’s General Fund.  Respondents shall also provide information on their experience with calculating public benefits/value capture for larger development projects seeking City concessions/land-use changes. Further analysis could include: jobs impact/employment generation analysis, Opportunity Zone analysis, and other services required by the City to process development applications within Specific Plans including but not limited to: the Westside Area Plan, Ravenswood/4 Corners Transit Oriented Development Specific Plan (Adopted 2024).

Design Review

Design professional for architectural design and site plan review of development proposals.

Engineering Review Analysis

Engineering consultant for plan review of civil engineering and infrastructure improvement plans for conformance with adopted City standards, approved conditions of approval, and/or accepted industry practice. Review storm drain and hydraulic calculations, and compliance with NPDES requirements.  Provide estimated water demand calculations for proposed developments and provide general engineering review and calculations of various impact fees

Transportation Consultant

Traffic engineering and/or transportation planning consultant for review of development proposals for consistency with City and regional transportation policies and programs, traffic impact study guidelines, and transportation best practices. 

General Consultant Services

Comprehensive planning consulting services will include policy development, analysis and implementation to ensure that land use, transportation, housing, parks, sustainability and open space and public service decisions are implemented in accordance with the vision of the General Plan and with direction of the City Council, as well as other related tasks.



Submission Deadline

Respondents must submit one (1) electronic copy of the proposal. This may be submitted by email to the Community and Economic Development Department through the following email inbox: and also included on a flash drive, if not emailed, with the hard copy submissions.

Respondents are asked to mail or drop off three (3) hard copies of the proposal, by 12:00 PM on March 21, 2025 to the following address:

ATTN: CEDD – Planning Division RFP

City of East Palo Alto

1960 Tate Street,

East Palo Alto, CA 94303

Please review attachment for further details.