Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
Accessory dwelling units (ADUs), also known as “secondary units” or “in-law units,” are attached or detached residential units that are subordinate to a primary dwelling on the same lot. There are two types of ADUs:
- Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) may be detached structures or can be attached to the primary dwelling. The creation of an ADU usually results in an increase in habitable space on the property.
- Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) are 500 square feet or less in size and constructed within the walls or attached garage of a proposed or existing single-family residence. A JADU must include an efficiency kitchen.
The first step in the process to obtain permits for the construction of ADUs is the submittal of a Preliminary Ministerial Review (PMR) Clearance application for confirmation that all development standards are met. Once a PMR clearance application has been reviewed by the Planning Division, a building permit application can be submitted.
Please read the following for more information:
- Current Full Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance and the ADU Handout
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Application Form: Preliminary Ministerial Review (PMR) Clearance Application Form
- Junior ADU Deed Restriction: If you are proposing a Junior ADU (JADU), please note that the deed restriction will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit.
- Impact Fees will be applicable to ADUs over 750 square feet.
When you are ready to apply for the Preliminary Ministerial Review (PMR) Clearance application for ADU/JADU kindly be prepared to do the following:
a. Submit digital copies of the completed PMR form (see #2 above) all required digital plan sets as listed on page 3 fo the PMR form to
b. Drop off or mail in the completed PMR form with a check of two hours of planning review time (FY2023 - 2024) to the CEDD address. Instructions for mailing in or dropping off the forms and checks are available here.
c. If you have any questions - write an email to with the project address in the subject line.
Note: The Preliminary Ministerial Review (PMR) Clearance review is intended to confirm if the proposed ADU application meets the requirements for the building permit application submittal, including whether the proposal meets the development standards for the ADU. The PMR Clearance is not a permit and it does not grant a permit to allow construction. A building permit is required for all ADUs. Information on the building permit process can be found here:
Additional Resources for ADU's in San Mateo County*
1. San Mateo County ADU Resource Center:
- ADU Feasibility Consult: homeowners considering building an ADU can speak with an expert for an hour and get advice on their property, process and next steps
- ADU Help Line: homeowners who are in the process of building an ADU can schedule 20 minute troubleshooting calls to talk to an ADU expert
2. City of East Palo Alto CalHOME ADU/JADU Loan Program. Link here.
3. Symbium Build - - Symbium is a free property information portal that enables the public to visualize and understand whether an ADU is allowed on any property and next steps to getting an ADU built.
4. San Mateo County provides a webpage for homeowners who have questions regarding the assessed value for a newly constructed ADU or JADU. The webpage can be accessed at the link: Accessory Dwelling Unit - San Mateo County.
5. Housing Leadership Council - link here
6. Home for All San Mateo County - link here for the toolkit
7. EPACANDO - Affordable Housing resource
8. 21 Elements group - link here
9. Hello Housing Bright in Your Backyard ADU Pilot Program
10. California Housing Finance Agency ADU Grant Program
*Disclaimer: The links below are intended to provide additional general assistance for applicants seeking ADU related information and are provided by a third party. At the time of application review, staff will verify that the project meets the City requirements.
EPA ADU Webinar
Thank you for joining us at the East Palo Alto ADU webinar!
Please view the English/Spanish webinar recordings using the links below:
The webinar slides can be found in the Supporting Documents below.