Chief's Community Update - January 5, 2025

Greetings and Happy New Year East Palo Alto community!
As we enter 2025, our department is partnering with Jobtrain to fill some vacancies in our ranks. Currently, we are seeking candidates to fill four Police Officer/Recruit positions and one Part Time Community Service Officer.
Our goal is to inform interested candidates on all the aspects of the application and hiring process, and give a hands-on start in that process.
Planned activities include:
- Online application profile creation in CalOpps
- Presentation of application process and timeline
- Try-on of protective equipment
- Obstacle course
- Review of written tests and prep strategies
- Signup for ride-alongs
- Chance to ask questions of current officers and recruiters
- Sign up for jobsearch support and services offered by JobTrain
The event will be at the Jobtrain headquarters, 1200 O’Brien Drive in Menlo Park, on Wednesday, January 8 from 4-7pm. A light meal will be provided for everyone. Tables and chairs are provided and free parking is available.
Anyone interested in learning more about a career with the East Palo Alto Police Department is encouraged to register and attend.
Candidates can RSVP here: