RBD Specific Plan Update
FINAL Adopted plan NOW available!
- The Final Specific Plan was adopted on December 17, 2024.
- Click here to review the final version of the adopted RBD/4 Corners Specific Plan.
- To review individual chapters, click the links below:
- Chapter 1 (Introduction)
- Chapter 2 (Community Outreach)
- Chapter 3 (Existing Conditions)
- Chapter 4 (Vision & Concept)
- Chapter 5 (Goals & Policies)
- Chapter 6 (Land Use & Development Standards)
- Chapter 7 (Parks, Open Space, & Public Facilities)
- Chapter 8 (Mobility & Streetscape)
- Chapter 9 (Utilities)
- Chapter 10 (Community Benefits)
- Chapter 11 (Implementation)
- Appendix A - Land Use Definitions
- Appendix B - Fiscal Impact Analysis
- Appendix C - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
- Review the final track-changed version of the Final RBD/4 Corners Specific Plan (PDF, 32 MB) adopted on December 17, 2024.
- Review the December 3, 2024 City Council draft final track-changed version of the updated Final RBD/4 Corners Specific Plan (PDF, 32 MB) (November 26, 2024 version). We invite you to read and review! (Revisions from the November 15 version are bolded and italicized.)
- Review the November 15, 2024 Planning Commission version of the updated Final RBD/4 Corners Specific Plan (PDF, 32 MB)
- Review the initial April 15, 2024 Public Draft of the updated RBD/4 Corners Specific Plan (PDF, 24 MB)
If you have accessibility questions or difficulties accessing the materials, please email planning@cityofepa.org. The City would like to thank those who have been working collaboratively on this effort, including key community members, local stakeholders, and property owners.
- Ravenswood/4 Corners Specific Plan Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (FSEIR)
- Appendix A - SEIR Public Comment Letters (Sept 2024)
- Appendix B - Supporting Documentation (Oct 2024)
- Ravenswood/4 Corners Specific Plan FSEIR Errata December 3, 2024
- Ravenswood/4 Corners Specific Plan FSEIR Errata November 26, 2024
- Ravenswood/4 Corners Specific Plan FSEIR Errata November 21, 2024
- Final Notice of Availability (NOA) has been posted as of November 15, 2024
- Mitigation and Monitoring & Reporting Program
Draft SEIR AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW (Please note The Public COmment Period Concluded on September 10, 2024 at 5:00 PM)
- Notice of Availability (NOA) has been posted as of July 24, 2024 (English | Spanish)
- Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) RBD Specific Plan Update
- Appendix A. Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Comment Letters - 2022
- Appendix B. Air Quality (AQ) and Greehouse Gas Assessment (GHC) - July 2024
- Appendix C. Biological Resources Report - March 2024
- Appendix D. Screening Level Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) - March 2023
- Appendix E. Noise and Vibration Assessment - May 2023
- Appendix F. Transportation Analysis - March 2023
- Appendix G. Utility Impact Study - June 2024
- Appendix H. Water Supply Assessment (WSA) - February 2024
- Draft SEIR Public Comments Received During the Public Comment Period
- To submit comments on the SEIR, please email RBD@cityofepa.org with “Ravenswood Business District/4 Corners Specific Plan Update SEIR” in the subject or mail your comments to the following:
Ravenswood Business District/4 Corners Specific Plan Update SEIR
City of East Palo Alto
1960 Tate Street
East Palo Alto, CA 94303
Upcoming/Recent Public Meetings and Events
Second Reading of RBD and Development Code Update Ordinances (Date: December 17, 2024) - Link to Council Staff Report
Final Plan Adoption and SEIR Certification Hearings (Date: December 3, 2024) - Link to Council Staff Report
Planning Commission for Plan/SEIR recommendation (November 18, 2024)
Final SEIR released (November 15, 2024)
Final SEIR Errata
2023 End of Year Update:
In 2023, the Specific Plan Update continued to move forward despite a slow down in the commercial development market. This led directly to a shift towards relying on City funding for additional work (rather than major applicants) and resulted in changes to the Specific Plan intended to better reflect a more uncertain future and a greater allowance for market flexibility. At this time, we are finishing up the draft Plan while completing relevant CEQA analysis.
We have been hard at work during the past six months, on the following tasks:
- Additional CEQA analysis of biological impacts and hazardous materials
- Detailed air quality impact analysis to study full impacts of future projects
- Completing statutorily required Water Supply Assessment (“WSA”)
- Ongoing coordination with Joint Powers Authority (SAFER BAY project) and OneShoreline
- Crafting objective design standards to apply to new residential, mixed-use, and commercial developments in the Plan area
Some of our key accomplishments during recent months are:
- Revised community benefits framework to add more structure/targets and link it to the allowed maximum commercial development project size (as measured by floor area ratio)
- Significantly advanced roadway/intersection design for entire length of Bay Road within the RBD
- Confirmed broad framework for future TDM implementation with City Council (July 2023)
- Finished updates to fiscal impact and employment estimates reports for Plan growth scenarios
- Kicked off “nexus study” to update impact fees paid by developers in line with revised capital improvement projects. Our Plan and EIR effort will be synchronized with the nexus study and the accompanying financial feasibility analysis.
Upcoming next steps and activities will include, at minimum:
- Public Draft Specific Plan released in early 2024
- Continued stakeholder conversations combined with online comment form/community survey
- Public Draft SEIR released in April/May 2024, followed by public comment period
- Council & PC Hearings in late 2024
Past Workshops or Events >
- #13 Planning Commission Meeting, November 18, 2024, 7:00pm. Public meeting for a formal Planning Commission recommendation on the draft Final SEIR and Specific Plan.
- #12 City Council Meeting, September 24, 2024, 6:00pm. The study session focused on on the identification of the preferred maximum development scenario (#2) and the draft Community Benefits Framework.
- #11 City Council/Planning Commission Meeting, July 25, 2024, 6:00pm. The joint study session provided an overview of the Public Draft SEIR and included a request for direction on the preferred maximum development scenario and a continued discussion of the draft Community Benefits Framework.
- #10 City Council Meeting, April 25th, 2024, 6:00pm. The study session focused on a overview of the updated Plan and describe key changes since the Plan was last reviewed by Council in 2023, including the revised Community Benefits Framework.
- #9 City Council Meeting, July 25th 2023, 6:00pm. The City and consultant for Citywide TDM Program provided a presentation on a proposed framework for implementing the citywide Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Ordinance, formation of a Transportation Management Association (TMA), and Parking policies for the Ravenswood Business District/Four Corners TOD (RBD) Specific Plan Update.
- #8 City Council Meeting, April 25th 2023, 6:00pm. The City and project team provided an update on key Specific Plan issues including urban design standards, land use and transportation/utilities analysis.
- #7 City Council Meeting, July 26th 2022, 6:00pm. We discussed community benefits and confirmed with Council the framework of policies and requirements that will guide provision of benefits from RBD developments to our residents.
- #6 City Council Meeting, May 17th 2022, 6:30pm. We presented the summary results of resident input related to community benefits from new development, and discussed priorities and policy mechanisms related to benefits for East Palo Alto.
- The Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the project's SEIR was been released on April 15, 2022.
- Click here to view the PDF document. Comments are now closed. Thank you for your input.
- Click here to view the summary of comments received from the public, agencies, and Planning Commission
- A Public Scoping Meeting on the project NOP occurred on May 9, 2022 at 7PM during a regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
- Community Benefits Survey. Thank you to those who participated in our brief survey regarding priorities for community benefits related to development in the Specific Plan area. The survey is now closed, and the results were presented to City Council.
- "Pop-Up" Workshops. Thank you to those who stopped by at our informational booth. We held three in-person “pop-up” events about the Specific Plan Update:
- #1: Fresh Approach Market (2555 Pulgas Ave) – Wednesday, April 20th, 9-1pm
- #2: Jack Farrell Park (coincides with community-led event for the 25th Anniversary of the Fordham Street Fire) – Saturday, April 23rd, 2-5pm
- #3: Fresh Approach Market (2555 Pulgas Ave) – Wednesday, April 27th, 9-1pm
- Virtual Public Workshop #3 - Thursday, March 24th, 2021 (6:30 - 9:00pm). Residents and stakeholders shared ideas and voted on community benefits in the RBD. Workshop #3 was held virtually and Spanish interpretation was provided.
Informal Office Hours. To continue engaging with our residents around the update to the Ravenswood Business District / 4 Corners Specific Plan, the City held three 'office hour' drop-in sessions (each 90 minutes long). The dates and times were Tuesday, February 15th, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM, Thursday, February 17th, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM, and Wednesday, February 23th, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM. Members of the East Palo Alto community discussed continued feedback regarding potential housing, retail, office, and other developments in the area, questions related to past City Council decisions or past technical analysis (on topics such as transportation, displacement, and jobs), and policies, or requirements that could be included in the updated plan, especially related to community benefits.
#5 City Council Regular Meeting - February 1, 2022 (6:30pm). Council decided on the total number of housing units to study under CEQA in the Specific Plan area, and which locations are appropriate for studying residential uses. Click here to view the recording
#4 City Council Regular Meeting - November 18, 2021 (6:00pm). Council met to render a decision on the maximum growth scenario(s) to be studied under the Specific Plan Update CEQA process. Council selected Scenarios 1 (2.8 million sq ft office/R&D) and Scenario 2 (3.35 million sq ft office/R&D) for the SEIR. Click here to view the recording.
#3 City Council Meeting (Joint Session) - September 28, 2021 (6:00pm). A presentation was given on the trade-offs of different amounts of office/R&D development in the Specific Plan area. The meeting was a joint study session with both City Council and Planning Commission, and was held virtually. Spanish interpretation was provided. Click here to view the recording.
- Second Opportunity for Public Workshop #2 - September 27, 2021 (6:00 - 8:30pm). Staff and consultants sincerely apologize for technical difficulties on September 22nd. The City repeated the same workshop on a second night to ensure that everyone in the community had an opportunity to participate in this important planning process.
Public Workshop #2 - September 22, 2021 (6:30 - 9:00pm). In anticipation of City Council meetings in September and November, two public workshops were held to discuss potential growth scenarios for RBD/4 Corners, and the potential impacts and benefits of each scenario on community benefits, transportation, infrastructure, jobs, affordable housing, and open space. Workshops were held virtually and Spanish interpretation was provided.
- Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation (English)
- Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation (Spanish)
- Click here to watch the Zoom workshop video (English)
- Click here to watch the Zoom workshop video (Spanish)
- View the flyer advertising the workshop (English)(Spanish)
- Workshop 2 Summary Results
- Planning Commission Meeting - June 14th, 2021 (7:00pm). Status update on the RBD Specific Plan process.
- Click here to view the recording.
- View the Powerpoint Presentation.
- #2 City Council Meeting - June 8th, 2021 (6:00pm). City staff and consultant team will present additional detail related to mobility challenges and potential solutions in the RBD / 4 Corners area. Transportation will be the primary subject covered at this information session (Policy and Action Item).
- Virtual Public Workshop #1 - May 27th, 2021 (6:30 - 9:00pm). The City invites residents and stakeholders to join for the first project workshop. Come learn about the Specific Plan update process and proposed developments in the area; share your ideas, concerns, and vision; and engage with fellow residents, stakeholders, and City staff. Click here to view the meeting announcement flyer. Thank you to who attended - see below for meeting materials.
- Powerpoint Presentation (English | Spanish)
- Zoom Video Recording (English | Spanish)
- Workshop 1 Summary Results
- #1 City Council Meeting - March 23rd, 2021 (6:30pm). City staff and consultant team will present preliminary findings around key constraints and existing conditions in the Specific Plan Area. Topics of discussion will include regional/local transportation, internal connectivity, place-making, infrastructure, housing, and community impacts. Click here to see the meeting announcement flyer or here for meeting materials, including a video of the meeting. View the PowerPoint presentation.
How to Participate
Whether you just moved to, do business in, work in, or have called East Palo Alto your home for many years, the RBD / 4 Corners Specific Plan Update is an opportunity for you to help shape the area’s future. This is a unique chance to come together and build consensus on a variety of topics that affect daily life in the City and its residents. The Specific Plan Update is a collaborative effort between the City and its residents. The success of the update depends on your participation; this input will help guide decision-makers on choices that will affect the quality of life and economic vitality of your community.
Planned Engagement Activities >
The City will provide many ways to get involved and participate in the process. It is designed to maximize the number of opportunities and types of activities for visioning, collaborating, decision-making, and more. Together we can ensure that the updated Specific Plan reflects the concerns and aspirations we all share. Community voices will be essential to this work, so make yours heard!
There are many ways to get involved and stay informed:
- Send us your questions or join the email list at rbd@cityofepa.org
- Attend public meetings, study sessions, and workshops
- Keep an eye out for newsletters, postcards, and flyers
- Visit the City’s social media channels
- Complete online surveys and regularly check out the project website for updates
Development Projects
This Specific Plan update will result in a new long-range planning document that refines the requirements that apply to new development in the plan area. The City is also reviewing four major proposed development projects within in the RBD - see below for additional details on major and minor pipeline projects. At present, the RBD/4 Corners Specific Plan is the adopted regulating document for this area. Four major development projects have been proposed in the RBD Specific Plan area. See below for summary briefing sheets describing each of these major projects.
Major Pipeline Projects in Plan Area
Name |
Status |
Address |
Units |
Retail (sq ft) |
Office (sf ft) |
R&D/Life Science |
Civic/Community |
Amenity |
2020 Bay Road (Three Cities Research) |
Design Review | 2020 Bay Road | - | 5,000 | 1,276,500 | - | 52,700 | 9,000 |
Four Corners (Sand Hill) |
Design Review | 1675 Bay Road | 180 | 20,000 | - | 500,000 | 20,000 | - |
The Landing (Harvest Propts) |
Design Review | 1990 Bay Road | 90 | 14,000 | 521,000 | 350,000 | 13,525 | 23,500 |
EPA Waterfront (Emerson Collective) |
Design Review | 2555 Pulgas Ave | 260 | 25,000 | 750,000 | 550,000 | 40,000 | 25,000 |
440 | 60,000 | 2,547,500 | 1,400,000 | 126,225 | 57,500 |
Minor Pipeline Projects in Plan Area
Name |
Status |
Address |
Units |
Retail (sq ft) |
Office (sq ft) |
Industrial |
Community |
EPA Center Arts | Constructed | 1950 Bay Road | - | - | - | 25,000 | - |
965 Weeks Street | Approved | - | 136 | - | - | - | - |
1201 Runnymede Street | Full App | - | 37 | - | - | - | - |
1804 Bay Road | Pre-App | - | 66 | 1,320 | - | - | - |
Job Train Office | Pre-App | 2535 Pulgas Ave | - | - | 50,000 | - | 50,000 |
project STAFF Contact >
Amy Chen
Director of Community and Economic Development
Elena Lee
Planning Manager
General Contact Email: rbd@cityofepa.org