2021 Summer Programming for Youth & Families

Following a successful season of Summer Programming in East Palo Alto, the city received an opportunity to extend programs through the Fall thanks to an amazing partnership with the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative (click here for press release). We have some exciting activities planned along with the list below. Take a look at the service providers and contact them to sign up. All programs will adhere to the rules set forth by the California Department of Public Health and its recommended changes.
To sign up for programs, contact the service providers with their information provided below.
Martin Luther King Junior Park (535 Daisy Ln. East Palo Alto CA)
Razorhawks Youth Rugby Club (Tuesday & Thursday 5pm-7pm)
Our “Summer Sevens” rugby program will be open to all boys and girls from ages 8-14. Practices will be at Martin Luther King Jr. Field in East Palo Alto. To sign up, please contact Bryan Murphy at (650) 466-2205 or email bryan@razorhawks.com.
Camp Doza (Monday thru Friday 9am-3pm **select Weeks**)
Join the best camp from EPA this Summer at Martin Luther King Junior Park. Basketball, Soccer, and Nature are the highlights. The focus is on fun! Open to all Girls & Boys ages 4-14. 40 spots are complimentary thanks to the City of East Palo Alto. Call Mario Mendoza by phone (650) 898-5107 or email at mario@campdoza.com to get more info.
MENLO ATHERTON RUGBY (Monday/Wednesday/Friday 5pm-7pm)
Menlo-Atherton Rugby is offering a Summer Sevens rugby program open to all boys & girls, ages 14-18. We practice at Martin Luther King Jr. Field in EPA and play in Bay Area tournaments on Saturdays. Click here for more information.
Jack Farrell Park (2509 Fordham St. East Palo Alto CA)
EPA T-Ball & Pitching Machine (Monday thru Thursday 4pm-7pm)
This summer we are focusing on basics at Jack Farrell Park! In partnership with Swagger Athletics, our youth will receive top instruction from former Major League Baseball players. Open to youth ages 4-9. Sign up here or call (650) 630-1826 for more information.
The Process Academy (Tuesday & Thursday 4pm-5:30pm)
The Process Academy is a homegrown basketball training company that provides youth with the tools to elevate their game and become better players as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle. Open to youth ages 8-14 at Jack Farrell Park. Sign up HERE or contact Coach Rondell Howard at (650) 384-1300 and email rondell94303@gmail.com
MPAA MASTODONS (Tuesday thru Thursday 5pm-7pm)
The Mid-Peninsula Athletic Association offers holistically based child development programs. MPAA goes beyond the football field. We’re offering Flag Football training and Conditioning camps open to the public. All children, girls and boys, ages 5-14 are encouraged to join us. Click here to check out our website or call us at (650) 518-2206 for more information. Sessions will be held at Jack Farrell Park Tu/Wed/Th 5-7pm.
Cooley Landing (2100 Bay Rd. East Palo Alto CA)
Mannakin Theater & Dance (Monday thru Thursday 1pm-5:30pm)
Mannakin Theater & Dance offers ballet and dance classes as part of City the EPA Summer Programming. Youth from ages 3 to 11 are welcome to register for classes and be part of the concluding performance, The Pied Piper. To register, click here or email info@mannakindance.org for questions.
5-6 years old: 1:00-2:15pm
3-4 years old: 2:30-3:15pm
7+ years old: 3:30-5:30pm
Live In Peace Bike Shop (Monday & Wednesday 8am-10am & 3pm-5pm)
The Live in Peace family is hosting community rides for Adults on Monday/Wednesday at 8:00am-10:00am; Monday/Wednesday afternoon Youth bike rides, 3:00pm-5:00pm; Friday afternoon mobile workshops from 3-4pm; and Community Rides for all ages the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. To RSVP, email Ken, ken@liveinpeace.org.
Joel Davis Park (1960 Tate St. East Palo Alto CA)
My Gym (Monday & Friday 4pm-6pm, Thursday 10am-12pm)
My Gym is bringing it all to EPA! Gymsters & Terrific Tots (ages 2.5-3.25), Mighty Mites & Whiz Kids (ages 3.25-6), and Ninja Training (ages 6-10). All the programs at our private gym will be on display at Joel Davis Park. To register for My Gym, click here. For questions, contact paloalto@mygym.com or 650-330-1760.
Step It Up Dance (Tuesday 3pm-7pm)
We are bringing our amazing dance program to all children in East Palo Alto and any child that wants to dance and learn. Classes are one hour with parent participation and independent classes for youth ages 4-16. To register, click here and fill out the form or contact Juakila McConnell/Anitra Jackson by email at juakila22@gmail.com or phone at (650) 630-0405.
Live In Peace (Monday Thru Friday 3pm-5pm)
Live in Peace is hosting several programs free to all residents starting with youth golf lessons for the community. Sessions will be held Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. To RSVP, email Eugene, eugene@liveinpeace.org.
The EPA Boxing Club which mentors at-risk youth from here and surrounding communities to instill self-discipline, self-esteem, courage and character. This summer, we’re hosting outdoor fitness workouts for our community. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons will be Boot Camp for all ages, from 3:00-5:00pm, and Friday afternoons will be Sports Conditioning, a workout class for advanced individuals), at 3:00pm. To RSVP, email Casey, casey@liveinpeace.org.
Bell Street Park/YMCA City Room (550 Bell St. East Palo Alto CA)
United Educators for Literacy (Monday thru Thursday 2pm-4pm)
UEHL is excited to work with youth this summer building comprehension skills. Youth will improve their understanding of their own learning style and strengthen their ability to process auditory and written information. We will use sports, games, stories, and art to internalize the process of memorizing and sequencing information. Participants will understand the role that imagery plays in understanding ideas while actively processing text and verbal instructions. Participants will walk away with useful strategies and a backpack full of goodies!
Please email or call us to register: Ilona Merli, email (ilona@uehl.org) phone (408) 839-6965 or Dr. Karla Prince-Cheng, email (karla@uehl.org) phone (408) 466-6866
Fun Gypsies (Monday & Wednesday 10:30am-1pm)
Fun Gypsies is a wellness company focusing on the health and wellness of our Senior community. We provide activities that assist with mental health and provide positive engagement , interaction which leads to a healthier lifestyle. Best way to register is the business number at 650-785-4512.
Activities offered:
Lunchtime Bingo
Meditation/Positive Affirmations
Coffee and Tea Time Discussions
KK Chess (Tuesdays 12:00PM-5:30 PM)
Come one, come all and lets play Chess! I will show you how to play the game of chess through a hands-on approach to learning. I also teach strategy, through rewards and positive reinforcement. All ages are welcomed to participate. I encourage parent involvement and for families to participate. The sessions are Tuesdays from 12:30pm-5:30pm. Contact Ken Kirkland at 510-827-7388 to reserve your space now!
BottleTree Culture (Saturday & Sunday 4pm-5:30pm)
BottleTree Culture, in partnership with Fua Dia Congo performing arts, presents Makinu in the Park, an outdoor dance and music class series for the whole family. Join us in the park and virtually for a wonderful exploration of traditional and popular dance, percussion and music from Central Africa. We are excited to celebrate art, wellness, community, and the important historical legacy of African culture in East Palo Alto. For more information or to register for our summer session, please contact us at bottletreeculture@gmail.com or (650) 308-9781.
We look forward to dancing with you!