Inclusionary Housing

Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and Guidelines 


Inclusionary In-Lieu Fee Update for FY 2024-25

Staff updates the In-Lieu Fees on an annual basis using the methodology outlined in the Inclusionary Housing Guidelines below. On July 16, 2024 the City Council adopted the updated fees at a public hearing. These updated chapters will be incorporated into the Guidelines.  

  • The For-Sale/Ownership In-Lieu Fee for FY 2024-25 is $273,400 
  • The Rental In-Lieu Fee for FY 2024-25 is $299,200

To view the updated chapters, click here for the For-Sale In-Lieu Fee and here for the Rental In-Lieu Fee.  


Inclusionary Housing Ordinance  

On November 19, 2019, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 425, the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Ordinance), adding Chapter 18.37 to the City of East Palo Alto Development Code. The Ordinance applies to all new residential development. Please follow this link for the relevant sections of Ordinance within the  City of East Palo Alto Municipal Code.   


The Ordinance applies to all residential developments that result in additional dwelling units.  

For projects with fewer than 5 units, the inclusionary obligation is either: 

  1. Payment of (percentage of) an In-Lieu Fee; or 
  2. One Inclusionary Unit provided on-site.* 
In-Lieu Fee for Projects with Fewer than 5 Units
Project Size For-Sale Rental
1 unit $54,680 $59,840
2 units $109,360 $119,680
3 units $164,040 $179,520
4 units $218,720 $239,360

*Please schedule a meeting with the Housing Project Manager at to discuss Alternate Compliance Options.

For projects of 5 or more units, the inclusionary obligation is as follows: 

For-Sale Residential Developments 

Compliance Options
On-Site 20%

10% of units at Median Income

10% of units at Moderate Income


requires City Council approval


13% of units at Median Income

12% of units at Moderate Income

In-Lieu Fee

requires City Council approval

25% $273,400 per inclusionary unit (FY24-25)

Rental Residential Developments

Compliance Options
On-Site 20% 5% of units at 35% AMI
10% of units at 50% AMI
5% of units at 60% AMI


requires City Council approval

25% 7% of units at 35% AMI
12% of units at 50% AMI
6% of units at 60% AMI

In-Lieu Fee

requires City Council approval 

25% $299,200 per inclusionary unit (FY24-25)

The City of East Palo follows the 2024 Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) state income limits and Inclusionary Housing Guidelines. 

Program Guidelines 

The Inclusionary Housing Guidelines are the companion document to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. The Guidelines are intended to assist potential homebuyers or renters, as well as developers, by addressing the key components of the Ordinance. The full Guidelines, drafted by Housing Division staff, are to be updated on a regular basis.  

Following a period of public review, the City Council adopted the first Guidelines on October 20, 2020. The City Council also adopted Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu Fees for Fiscal Year 21-22 for For-Sale and Rental on October 20, 2020, the fees for Fiscal Year 22-23 on June 7, 2022, the fees for Fiscal Year 23-24 on July 18, 2023, and the fees for Fiscal Year 24-25 on July 16, 2024. The current Inclusionary In-Lieu Fees can be found in their respective chapters in the Guidelines below.