JobTrain Office Project
Address/Location: 2535 Pulgas Avenue
APN: 063-121-370
Zoning: Ravenswood Employment Center (REC)
Applicant: Emerson Collective
Project No: DR20-009 and V20-003
Project Description: Emerson Collective and JobTrain will develop the site into a 108,000 square foot four-strory office building with 357 surface parking spaces. In addition, the property will have approximately 7,600 square feet of outdoor space for carpentry training and 2,380 square feet of outdoor space for a children’s play area. JobTrain will occupy approximately 50,000 square feet of the building and Emerson Collective will also occupy approximately 50,000 square feet.
Staff Contact: Elena Lee, Planning Manager
Status Updates
Application received - 07.02.2020
Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration circulated - 11.12.2021
Revised Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration circulated - 12.17.2021
Applicant Community Meeting - 12.01.21 (6:30-8:00 PM) English and Spanish
Approved at Planning Commission Meeting - 1.24.22