FEMA Individual Assistance for residents impacted by the January 2023 storms

FEMA Individual Assistance is now available for individuals and households
in San Mateo County. applications due March 16.

FEMA’s Individual Assistance program provides direct financial assistance to residents impacted by the January 2023 storms whose related costs are not covered by insurance. Eligible cost categories include temporary housing, repair/replacement of owner-occupied homes, repair or replacement of personal property and vehicles, or funds for moving and storage, medical, dental, child care, and funerals.

Residents can apply at www.disasterassistance.gov or by calling the multilingual FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362.

Community members who are not citizens or permanent residents should review this fact sheet on eligibility.

If you require assistance in applying please email: cityclerk@cityofepa.org