City Attorney

How do I file a claim?

The City of East Palo Alto has a standard Claim form that can be used for your convenience.

How do I obtain a claim form?

You can download the Claim form, pick one up in person at the Office of the City Attorney, or by calling 650-853-5901.

How long do I have to file a claim?

The Tort Claims Act establishes the time limits for filing a claim for money or damages (Government Code § 911.2). Generally a claim relating to death or injury to a person or to personal property should be filed within 6 months from the date of an occurrence.

How many repair estimates do I submit?

For claims of property damage, please attach two separate estimates for the damages being claimed. Depending on the type of damage, we may require an appraisal inspection.

Can I have the repairs done or do I have to wait for the investigation to be concluded?

If you want to, you can go ahead and have the repairs completed. However, keep in mind that the city may not approve your claim for reimbursement after its investigation. You should take photographs of the damage before repairs are made in order to substantiate your claim. Remember that a governmental entity will consider pre-loss condition in evaluating damages.

What if the time has expired since the incident occurred?

You should file a Late Claim Application using the same Claim form but title it as such and explain in detail why the claim is late. The Late Claim Application may be granted or denied. The city will only consider the merits of the claim if the Late Claims Application is granted (Government Code § 911.4).

What should I attach to the claim?

Provide a breakdown of how you calculated the amount that you are claiming. Attach copies of bills, payment receipts, photographs, diagrams, and other supporting documents for your claim.

Community Grants

Does being a past recipient and having timely/or not submission of reports have any weight?

No. As long as you have submitted a Closeout and do not have anything outstanding, you may apply.

Are rent, utilities, etc. considered administrative costs?

No. Administrative costs pertain to people. Rent & insurance pertain to indirect costs. Just a reminder, a portion of your grant funds may be used to pay for rent on a facility used to facilitate grant programming, and insurance may be paid for as well. Grant funds cannot be used to pay utilities or for facility improvements.

Can an organization apply for two separate grants with the city?


Can we partner with a city/county agency?

Yes. However, the lead organization must a 501(c)3. 

Do you need to have a City of East Palo Alto business license?


How many grantees do you normally fund each year?

This depends on the number of grant cycles we have each year. There are roughly 3-5 Measure C Large grantees and 7-10 TOT grantees. It varies annually based on available funds & requested amounts.

How should we submit the application?

You can submit a printed, handwritten, scanned, or email the final application. Please do not send your application in Word or Excel. PDF only please.

Is there a matching fund policy?

No. You may receive more consideration if you do have matching funds. It is encouraged. 

Were the application forms updates since last year?

Yes. Please use the application emailed to you after the grant orientation.

What is the period of performance?

The period of performance means the grant term. 

Will the grant presentation be posted online?

Yes, but in order to qualify you must attend a pre-orientation session in person (or virtually). 

Will we be funded if we have already started our programs?

Funding is not retroactive. If work was completed prior to the execution of your contract, you will not be reimbursed for that.


Do I need to renew my business license every year?

Yes, all business licenses expire December 31st of each year. The renewal form is available online and  renewal payments are due by February 1st.

How do I apply for a new business license?
Who is required to have a business license?

Any person or business operating or doing business in the City of East Palo Alto is required to have a business license. The city has various zoning regulations which control the location and operation of all commercial activity. Submit your business license application directly to the City’s partner HdL. For additional information on the business license, see title 5 of the East Palo Alto Municipal Code.


How can I apply for a new address assignment?

Please fill out a Universal Planning Application and submit the requirements listed in the Address Assignment Handout to planning@cityofepa.org or in person at our 1960 Tate Street office. 

How do I pay fees for a planning permit?

For all fees payable to Community and Economic Development Dept., Planning Division  needs to be made via a check or a Money Order.

All checks need to be made out to "City of East Palo Alto"

The checks and application form needs to be attached and mailed to the following address:

1960 Tate Street, East Palo Alto, CA 94303

All check drop off details are listed in the link here.

All planning fees are listed in the link here.

Where can I find a planning application form?

You can find the universal planning application form in the link here


Where can I find my zoning designation?

You can determine the zoning designation of your property using the interactive zoning map, click here

Additional resources for the zoning designation map is available in the following web link - click here

Can I add an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) to my home?

 For all Accessory Dwelling Unit related information, please navigate to this page. Click here

All Accessory Dwelling Units( ADU's) require a Preliminary Clearance Review from Planning before the building permit applications can be submitted. See more details here. 

Does my project require a planning permit?

All new buildings, additions to buildings, garage conversions, new construction, and legalization of existing structure require a Design Review permit prior to any issuance of building permits. See a detailed planning pre-submittal overview in the link here.

All Additional Dwelling Units( ADU's) require a Zoning Clearance from Planning before being streamlined to Building Division. See more details here. 

All tenant improvements, remodels, re-roof permits do not require planning review, unless there is a change in the facade or addition of square footage to the project.

When in doubt, please write to us here. 

I have a development project, where should I begin with the City?

 It is highly recommended that applicant meet with Planning staff to discuss plan requirements prior to submittal of application and plans. Should applicant submit the application and plans prior to meeting, the applicant is aware that plans may be deemed “INCOMPLETE” if required materials are missing. It will also be counted as one (1) of the three (3) reviews that are included in the planning review fees. 

Preliminary Design: Before starting a project design, the City of East Palo Alto highly recommends the project team (owners, applicants, planners, architects, engineers, landscape architects, and other design professionals) to review this document link here. 

Where can I find objective development standards?

Article-2 of Title-18 of the City's development standards can be found here 

Specific Plan development standards can be found here


What is a Design Review Committee Meeting?

A Design Review Committee Meeting is an inter-division design review committee comprising of inter-division staff members who review development projects.  This meeting is coordinated by the Planning Division and may/may not include the developer's presence. The inter-agency staff members include but are not limited to Planning, Engineering, Building, Public Works, Fire Protection District, Police Division, Sanitary District, etc. and subsequent stakeholders who are responsible to condition the project review and approvals.

Typically medium projects with public hearing and major projects are taken to Design Review Committee for discussion. 

How to determine planning permit fees?

The Comprehensive Fee Schedule has a detailed breakdown of fees for permits by type, division and rate. See link here

In order to calculate the planning fees, the scope of project with a conceptual sketch will be emailed to consult with a planner. The planner will share a breakdown of planning fees and any other applicable Building Division and Engineering division fees with an estimate over an email. 


Is my house in a High-Risk Flood Zone?

You can determine the answer to a High-Risk Flood Zone in the web link. Click here. 

Link to East Palo Alto Municipal Code Chapter 15.52 Floodplain Management here.

Additional questions regarding flood management please contact the Engineering Department engineering@cityofepa.org.



Where can I find information on the City's Housing Ordinance?

All information regarding City's Housing Ordinance can be viewed in the link here. 

Do I need a permit for a fence?

If your fence is over the prescribed regulated height as seen in Figure 3.3, you will require a Building permit with planning oversight. 

More details of regulations on fences, hedges and walls are in the this link to the East Palo Alto Municipal Code. 

Do I need a tree removal permit?

A Tree Removal Permit is required for:

  1. Any tree with a main stem or trunk that measures forty (40) inches or greater in circumference at a height of twenty‐four (24) inches or two (2) feet above natural grade.
  2. Any tree within a public street or public right‐of‐way, regardless of size.
  3. Any tree that existed at the time of an approval granted under the city’s subdivision or zoning ordinance and required to be preserved as part of such approval
  4. Any tree required to be planted as a condition of any development approval granted by the city.
  5. Any tree required to be planted as a replacement for an unlawfully removed tree.

You do not need a permit to trim a tree on private property, however please note the following:


How many days does it take to process a permit payment?

Please budget up to 7 days to hear back on a payment for a permit. If you have not heard back by then, write an email with details of the address and permit type to request for an update. 

How can I speak with a planner?

If you need to speak to a planner kindly go to the link below to schedule and appointment.

Planning Inquiry Appointments

Please note: All current appointments are virtual, unless in person is requested.


What is the process to apply for a food truck / mobile vendor permit?

New mobile vendor process flowchart is linked here

For mobile vendor renewals, contact HDL:

How do I submit an Accessory Dwelling Unit application?

The following items are required to be considered a complete submission. 

  1. A Preliminary Ministerial Review form filled out as applicable to your project. Link here. 
  2. Planning review fees as a check payable or money order to City of East Palo Alto.
  3. Site plan conveying the existing and proposed design. 

Amount of fees will be calculated at (2) hours of planning review time for the Fiscal Year hourly rate. For FY 2023-24, it is  2*324 = $648.00

Please submit required documents to planning@cityofepa.org or drop off/mail to 1960 Tate Street, East Palo Alto, 94303. 

Additional ADU resources for qualifying projects are available here

How do I develop in parcels with High Risk Flood Zone designation where structures are not raised 18" above Base Flood Elevation?

 In addition to the required plans for the project, forms and fees,  you will have to produce documentation to validate the development improvement in the High-Risk Flood Zone location.

Documents required at the time of development submittal in High Risk Flood Zone where the structure is not raised 18" above Base Flood Elevation is below: 

a. Property Appraisal report (not older than 6 months)

b. Construction cost estimate (labor and material separated) 

If you need to be approved for any development in these High-Risk Flood Zones, the substantial improvement (SI) allowed is capped at 50% of the dwelling cost of the structure and proposed improvements. 

The method that City of East Palo Alto is using to calculate SI is detailed below: 

a. The standard appraisal gives the value of the dwelling, and we require that for calculating the project percentage. Only 50% of that amount is allowed to be improved in the High-Risk Flood Zones. 

b. When the project is submitted for development review in High-Risk Flood Zone, we require a construction cost estimate that separates the labor and material. We use the material cost against the overall dwelling cost to make sure it is under 50% SI and award it accordingly. 



What are the options and requirements for garage conversions?

Garages can be converted into new living spaces or to a junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU) if it meets the code requirements, not limited to off-street parking requirements and setbacks. For more information on garage conversion into accessory dwelling unit, please refer to EPAMC Chapter 18.96 Accessory Dwelling Units.

Please refer to the garage conversion sheet for more information.  



planning sb35

What is SB35 streamlining?

Senate Bill 35 (SB35, Wiener 2017) is permit streamlining process that enables ministerial approval of qualifying housing development projects within several jurisdictions in the State of California. 

For the City of East Palo Alto kindly go to this page for more information on Streamlined Housing projects. 

Does my project qualify for SB35 streamlined approval?

The best way to determine if your project may qualify for streamlined approval is by;

a. Filling out the SB35 checklist - link to the checklist is here. 

b. Emailing us a pre-application packet for review.   



What about environmental review required by CEQA?

In addition to the update to the Specific Plan, a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared, including the analysis, disclosure, and required mitigation of impacts on the environment that result from the proposed degree of future development. This process is required by the State’s California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

What are the goals of this Planning effort?

To engage EPA residents in a decision-making process around a potential increase in total allowed development in the RBD Specific Plan area; including 

  • Creating a framework for community benefits
  • Completing thorough analysis of community impact, focusing on local jobs match, and both indirect and induced displacement
  • Exploring links between jobs and affordable housing
  • Developing a high-quality urban design plan that emphasizes connectivity within the public realm
  • Determining necessary district-wide transportation and water, sewer, stormwater improvements
  • Evaluating the fiscal benefit of different levels of development.
What are the Key Tasks?

Phase 1: Data Refresh and Preliminary Analysis (Winter/Spring 2021)

  • Confirm existing conditions and identify key issues or constraints
  • Analyze capacity of existing infrastructure and roadway systems
  • Identify potential/preliminary approaches to community benefits
  • Develop potential scenarios for total amount of new development

Phase 2: Refined Concepts and Full Analysis (Summer/Fall 2021)

  • Develop concepts for enhanced walkability and placemaking
  • Conduct in-depth analysis of infrastructure and transportation impacts for each scenario; explore potential solutions to traffic and infrastructure constraints
  • Perform employment match and displacement analysis
  • Lead robust community engagement to seek resident input
  • Confirm recommended buildout scenario and new policy direction with City Council

Phase 3: Amended Specific Plan / SEIR (Fall 2021/Spring 2022)

  • Update the buildout capacity of the Specific Plan / SEIR (and allocation methodology)
  • Targeted amendments to the Specific Plan (including urban design, community benefits, transportation network, TDM + parking standards, infrastructure improvements, housing, local employment policies)
  • Hold community open houses and adoption hearings to finalize plan updates
What are the Major Proposed Development Projects?

2020 Bay Road
Applicant: Three Cities Research
Address: 2020 Bay Road

The Landing
Applicant: Harvest Properties
Address: 1990 Bay Road + 1175 Week St + 1250 Weeks St

4 Corners
Applicant: Sand Hill Properties
Address: 1675 Bay Road

EPA Waterfront
Applicant: Emerson Collective
Address: 230 Demeter + 350 Demeter + 2555 Pulgas + 151 Tara + 164 Tara



What are the Minor Proposed Projects?
  • Job Train Office (local employee training office)
  • Health Center / Sobrato (relocation of medical office across Bay Road)
  • 1804 Bay Road (mixed use; 66 dwelling units and retail)
  • 965 Weeks Street (136 housing units, 100% affordable)
  • 1201 Runnymede (37 dwelling units)
  • EPA Center Arts (nonprofit industrial space)
What is a Specific Plan?

A Specific Plan is a comprehensive planning and zoning tool for a small area within a community. It is distinct from a jurisdiction’s adopted General Plan. It establishes the vision and guiding principles for a given area and the standards that regulate future development within its boundaries. A Specific Plan includes a series of measures and actions to guide implementation. Due to changing circumstances and economic conditions, Specific Plans commonly require periodic updates. You can read the 2013 Ravenswood / 4 Corners Specific Plan on the City’s website.

What is this project about?

This Planning project is an update to the Ravenswood Business District / 4 Corners TOD Specific Plan originally adopted by the City Council in 2013. This update aims to refresh the plan to effectively and sustainability guide the future of the area, and to ensure the community will benefit from new development..

Who is performing this work?

This update is being managed by the City of East Palo Alto Community Development Department, with work performed by Raimi + Associates, Strategic Economics, Schaaf + Wheeler, Hexagon Transportation, and David J Powers & Associates.

Why update an existing Specific Plan?

In 2013, the City adopted a Specific to guide growth and change in the Ravenswood and 4 Corners areas. Eight years later, a great deal has changed both locally and regionally, with several proposed development projects which could bring new residents, workers, and visitors to the area.  Over the course of the next twelve months, the Specific Plan will be updated with guidance from the East Palo Alto community. This update will revolve around transportation and mobility, infrastructure improvements, urban design, placemaking, affordable housing, community benefits, and community impacts.

Search Tips and Tricks

Do the search results include the contents of PDFs and other documents?

Yes.  The website indexes web pages as well as PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, and text documents.

If I search for a phrase (e.g. alarm permit), will the results only show exact matches?

No.  By default, the search results will show matches for any word within the phrase.  In this example, you would receive results for all web pages and documents that contained either the word alarm or the word permit or both.

In order to search on an exact phrase, enclose your search phrase in quotations.  The search results for "alarm permit" will show matches for that exact phrase.

Can I exclude a word from a search (e.g. all pages that have the word "alarm" but not the word "permit"?

Yes.   You can exclude words by using the minus sign (-).   In order to find the results of all pages that have alarm in the result but not permit, you would search for alarm -permit.